Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Violence during the Holocaust:
Types: Sexual Violence during the Holocaust: Victims: Narratives: Buried Words, Five Chimneys, Smoke over Birkenau
I. Author Index
Alpert, Jessica. »Muted Testimony: Rape and Gendered Violence of the Holocaust.« Proteus 20 (2003): 64-68.
Baldwin, Annabelle. »Sexual Violence and the Holocaust: Reflections on Memory and Witness Testimony.« Holocaust Studies 16 (2010): 112-134.
Chatwood, Kirsty. »(Re)-interpreting stories of sexual violence. The multiple testimonies of Lucille Eichengreen.« Life, death and sacrifice. Women and family in the Holocaust. Edited by Esther Hertzog. Jerusalem 2008.
Leonhard, Claudia. Das Unaussprechliche in Worte fassen. Eine vergleichende Analyse schriftlicher und mündlicher Selbstzeugnisse von weiblichen Überlebenden des Holocaust. Kassel 2013.
Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 117-129.
II. Speaker Index
Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Women Writing Rape: Literary and Theoretical Narratives of Sexual Violence. Warwick 2007.
Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.